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Miss Germany 2008 - Finale

It's decided : beautiful Kim Valerie Voigt of Hanover is "Beauty queen Germany 2008" ! The most beautiful competition of the year, the 18-year-old candidate was imperative against her 21 competitors. The second is Beauty queen Bavaria, Anna Lena Freynhagen, on the third was delighted Beauty queen East Germany, Carina-Alexandra Nix.

February 2nd at about 11:15 pm: after three ballots was established happy winner, Kim Valerie Voigt. 22 Beauty queens of 16 States, came from Germany from the North, from the South, from the West, from the Center and from East Germany as well as the Beauty queen T-Online (the internet service of Deutsche Telekom) on scene in the brilliant atmosphere of the Europa Park Dome.

Among the members of the jury counted this year the world champion of box Arthur Abraham, the presenter Pierre Geisensetter, the top model Giulia Siegel as well as the top model Of Vize-Germany Next Yvonne Schröder. The holding of official reception was supervised by a program of grand show of the team show of the Europa Park.

The photos of the press conference in Santa Isabel

The Beauty queens in the park

Cake in Colosseo

Sources : (c) Europa Park /

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